Tuesday, September 02, 2008

Inquiring minds want to know

How do you keep from getting bitter in the face of an injustice that you aren't supposed to know anything about?

How do you start a publication without any moral, financial, or professional support?

How do you chase your dreams when the bills continue to pile up on your desk?

How do you let go of an ex- who texts you "good morning" and "good night" everyday?

How do you say you don't care when they end up in the hospital sick?

How do you walk away when you are the only person who cares that Lupus is not a form cancer?

How do you not say "I told you so," when you told her so?

How do you tell your best friend that she is being completely selfish without being completely selfish?

How do you balance your checkbook these days? Seriously.

How do you find happiness in the midst of the mass exodus of joys in life?

How do you strengthen your abs with a broken back?

How do you apply for grants to make a documentary about Iraqi refugees without losing your steady gig?

How do you tell your mother that you won't write press releases for her organization?

How do you look her into her teary eyes and tell her that you won't do it on principle?

How do you make baklava?

How do you hide your tears when the one you thought you were building your life with betrays you?

How do you make someone who has watched you stumble through life's trials and tribulations, failing at every turn only to rise up and try once more, see your success? How do you garner their respect?

How do you stop seeking it?

How do you say, "Bite me" in Arabic?

How do you tell your first love that you are still in love with them?

How do you get medical treatment when the insurance company won't send your medical card?

How do you explain to your attorney that you really have been living in pain and sucking it up while you waited for that card?

How do you pelt police officers with balloons filled with bleach and call yourself a "non-violent, anti-war protestor"?

And, for crying out loud, how do you solve a Rubix cube?