Thursday, August 02, 2007

Marine Convicted of Murder

Plymouth Marine sergeant convicted of murdering Iraqi man
THOMAS WATKINS / Associated Press

— A Marine Corps squad leader was convicted Thursday of murdering an Iraqi man during a frustrated search for an insurgent.

Sgt. Lawrence G. Hutchins III, 23, also was convicted of conspiracy to commit murder, making a false official statement and larceny. He was acquitted of kidnapping, assault and housebreaking.

Hutchins, of Plymouth, Mass., could be sentenced to life in prison without parole. He had been charged with premeditated murder but the military jury struck the premeditation element from the verdict.

Hutchins stood rigidly and stared straight ahead in the silent courtroom as the verdict was read. A few minutes later he answered a procedural question with a loud and clear, “Yes, sir.”

Prosecutors said that during a nighttime patrol in Hamdania, Iraq, in April 2006, Hutchins’ squad hatched a plan to kidnap and kill a suspected insurgent from his house. When they couldn’t find him, they instead kidnapped a man from a neighboring house, dragged him to a hole and shot him.

Prosecutors said squad members tried to cover up the killing of Hashim Ibrahim Awad by planting a shovel and AK-47 by his body to make it look like he was an insurgent planting a bomb.

Several witnesses testified the plot was born out of frustration after suspected insurgents kept evading prosecution.

The squad was pulled from the battlefield after the slaying.

Lawyers for Hutchins argued that he participated in the plot because his own officers had set a poor leadership example and given approval for Marines to use violence in capturing and interrogating suspected insurgents...

Eight other squad members were charged with kidnapping and murder. Cpl. Marshall Magnicalda, though not convicted, was also charged with murder for participating in the plot. Faced a sentencing hearing yesterday after being found guilty of larceny and house breaking.

Four lower-ranking squad members bargained out over the course of the past 15 months. One corporal was acquitted last months, and another was given a conduct unbecoming discharge.

Wednesday, August 01, 2007

Public Transit on the Radar... Again.

Public Transit is a good thing. Read why. They love to tell you about it: saving on emissions, reducing traffic and providing an invaluable service to the disabled and the under-privileged. There are more than 100 systems throughout the country, serving urbanand increasing number of rural areas. Use of these systems is increasing proportionately with the rise of fuel. You would think that the increase in use would result in an increase in profits for these agencies.

So, why is it that when budget time rolls around, there is inevitably discussion about SEPTA which, without out fail, includes the threat of fare increases and strikes. And, every two years, the State of Pennsylvania will throw another $150 million at the "fledgling" SEPTA.

SEPTA spokespeople will brag that there has not been a rate increase in years. Still, the agency is the MOST expensive in the nation for riders.

Selling Out is Not My Thing

Reese Withersoon is going to be the next Avon girl? Why?

Reese has the stay power and self-respect to find a better gig than this one. Yeah, Catherine Zeta-Jones sold-out to T-Mobile. Sure, Sheryl Crow is hocking Revlon. And, yes, Jennifer Love Hewitt has made buko bucks selling Hanes. But, Reese! You're so much bigger than that! Com'mon, girl. You don't need the money that badly, even with all of that divorce business.

Euphemisms: Gotta love 'em

An AP article today was headlined "Saudi's Back Mideast Plans." Metro picked this one up as a top international story. The lead read - brace yourself, this is my favorite part- "Saudi Arabia said Wednesday that it would seriously consider attending a Middle East peace conference proposed by the Bush Administration for later this year..."

"Seriously consider."

Let's contimplate all of the things I seriously consider on a daily basis:

Quitting smoking. Buying a house. Filing bankruptcy to avoid medical bills. Moving to Canada. Jumping from roof to my nieghbors roofs, just to say I did it. Dying my hair green... hey you only live once. Stalking Angelina Jolie. The amount of profit generated by Pat's Steaks. Parenting. The best blend for an Apple Martini. And, more.

So, let's see... according to the AP definition of "seriously consider," I must be an un-American, suicidal,alcoholic stalker with self-image problems, conflicted ideas of finance, and a deep seeded desire to procreate.

"Seriously consider."

I think I will seriously consider taking every story I read on the Mideast with and entire box of Morton's Salt.