Tuesday, October 31, 2006

PA, here's some egg in your eye.

I was egged last night.

Some guy ran up behind me and chucked an egg at the back of my head from about three feet away. I think I was more angry about the jackass getting egg all over my freshly dry-cleaned, wool coat than anything.

He ran to a car with three other juvenile delinquents. I chased the jackass down and wacked the side of the car with my bookbag as they drove away. My roomate called the cops.

We looped around the corner on the way home - you have to love the one-way streets in Philadelphia - and wouldn't you know, the morons are parked a block away from where I was hit. They pulled out of their "reload zone" right behind us into traffic. My roomate called Temple Police again to tell them that we had located our "Assailants."

They were arrested. Who's laughing now mother@#?!er ! HaHa.

My roomate called this a "Mischief Night prank." Apparently, this is a phenomena reserved for the Tri-State area and the Great-Lakes regions, at least according to this University of Wisconsin linguistics survey. Wiki agrees that this is a Northeastern US tradition.

From egging and TP, to vandalism and arson, this is a "fun filled" night for some, and a mess for others. In lovely cities like Camden and Detroit, people have been know to light the city on fire. The peak was in 1984, when over 800 buildings were set ablaze in D-town.

It has to be the dumbest custom I have encountered since arriving in Pennsylvania.

So, where did this come from?
History in brief.

How PA has got it all wrong:
Mischief Night, also known as Devil's Night, is actually supposed to fall on November 4. It is a British celebration, adapted from the Celtic tradition of lighting bon fires on this day in celebration of the Samhain feast. In Britain, the day has become one in which children play tricks on adults. (Hmmm!) Common practices include playing games like "ding-dong-ditch" or apple ducking... that's right apples, dummies.

When it goes too far.
What you need to know.
Why this needs to go.

Allow me to clarify something for all you, just as I did for my roommate last night...
People don't go egging the night before Halloween! It's destructive, and it's weird. This city has enough crime to deal with, so don't be a contributor. Be safe, keep your TP next to the toilet where it belongs, try not to burn down any houses
and, Happy Samhain to you too!

Check out this alternative rendition from my roommate.


Zayne Amer said...

Actually, mischeif night was originally practiced on halloween night. That's where "trick or treat" came from. If you didn't give a treat, you got a trick (and no, I'm not talking about anything sexual...) The practice of tirck-giving, if you will, escalated until it became- at least in our area- a night unto itself on the eve of halloween.

How do you like dem apples?

Zayne Amer said...

damn... that was supposed to say trick-giving. Whatever, you all know what I'm talking about.