Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Supreme Court slaps down religious group.

Even as a believer in the need for free speech, sometimes I have to be thankful that some people are made to shut the hell up.

The Supreme Court refused to hear an appeal brought Christian Civic League of Maine today. The group attempted to air advertisments on local television and radio outlets that focused on the constitutional ban against same-sex marriage. The ads urged constituents to call Republican Senators Olympia Snowe and Susan Collins and ask for their support of the ammendment. Under federal-election law, corporations and labor unions are not allowed to pay for aired advertisements referring to a candidate for federal office within 60 days prior to the general election. Snowe is on next months ballot, running unopposed for reelection.

This did make me think, however, what would the world be like if everyone was allowed an equal amount of time at the microphone? Would people simply stop listening?

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