Monday, November 13, 2006

Vodka v Gin Martini's

You may have noticed that I don't post recipes for gin martini's. Reason being, I prefer vodka over gin any day of the week and twice on Sunday's. Not to mention, gin has a tendancy to be drier than vodka, detracting from the flavor of added ingredients. I would rather have a full tasting martini than one designed to overcome the dry nature of the central ingredient.

Both gin and vodka contain ethanol, the same substance in red wine that has been proven to reduce blood pressure. They are the lowest of all alcohols in calories, which make them good for your diet.

But, gin is often distilled with juniper berry's, which help in maintaining a healthy uriniary track. The problem with them is their potential to deplete potassium. It has been debated among herbalists, but I am not taking my chances.

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