Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Taking the Side of Bush

President Bush was in New Orleans to remember the one of the nations largest natural disasters in history which occurred when Hurricane Katrina struck two years ago today.

The president arrived in the region on Tuesday, meeting Louisiana Governor Kathleen Blanco and New Orleans Mayor Ray Nagin at the city's famous Dooky Chase restaurant.

He praised the efforts of the people of New Orleans in their efforts to rehabilitate the city.

Mr Bush observed a moment of silence at the Dr Martin Luther King Charter School for Math and Science, the first school to reopen in New Orleans' Lower 9th Ward, one of the areas most affected by the flooding.

"Hurricane Katrina broke the levees, it broke a lot of hearts, it destroyed buildings, but it didn't affect the spirit of this community," he said in a speech after the ceremony.

Mr Bush listed federal government moves to get the ravaged city back on its feet, including the $114bn (£57bn) allocated for the relief and rebuilding efforts.

Props to him for not giving into the frustrations expressed by many about the tediousness of the reconstruction effort, or the blame game being played by Nagin and Blanco.

Nagin refused to share the stage with the President.

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