Wednesday, September 05, 2007

Eggs Hot on Syria

Pope Benedict XVI was today in Syria to meet with Vice-President Farouk al-Sharaa to discuss Syria's role in restoring peace in the Middle East. The International Herald Tribune reported that the pope focused on the condition of Christians in Syria and the international influence presently held by Syrian leadership.

Seems the Vatican's stance is that Damascus is going to be a key factor in developing peace throughout the region. No doubt this will prove to be true if Syria continues to hold its doors open to refugees from Palestine and Iraq, a practice supported by the pope. But policy seems to be shifting in another direction.

Reuters reported Monday that Syria is to have imposed visa requirements on Iraqi nationals, limiting entry to those in the economic, commercial and scientific sectors, in a bid to control the flood of Iraqi refugees into the country. This moves is to take effect on September 10.

The United Nations High Commissioner on Refugees estimates that Syria is presently hosting approximately one million Iraqi refugees, and that number is growing by 30 thousand each month.

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