Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Heroes do exist: Cockburn Speaks

From Antiwar.com, this is one of my heroes speaking on his ideas about Iraq.

Patrick Cockburn, discusses “The Surge: A Special Report” which he wrote for the Independent, where he is Middle East correspondent: the split between the Sadr and Hakim factions; American propaganda that Iran is behind Sadr and the Mahdi Army and the “new” EFP bombs; the widespread humanitarian catastrophe; the occupation and sectarian war it has created; divisions in Kurdistan; the crisis in Kirkuk; predictions in the event of an eventual withdrawal; the redirection toward the Sunni insurgency; the unimportance of Allawi, Maliki or anyone else America installs in power; the danger to U.S. soldiers in Iraq if Cheney bombs Iran; predictions for the short and long term

Visit the site for the MP3. The audio is long, 43 minutes to be exact, but well worth it to get some perspective on what is going on inside of Iraq from a journalist who spent two years in Baghdad both leading up to, and post-invasion. After leaving the country in 2006, Cockburn authored a book,The Occupation: War and Resistance in Iraq that has inspired me over and over again to be educated and open-minded in preparation for becoming a foreign correspondent.

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