Tuesday, January 08, 2008

This is the stuff armed conflict is made of

In the American Civil War, it was John Brown's raid on Harper's Ferry.
In World War I, it was the assassination of Franz Ferdinand.
In Vietnam it was the bombing of the USS Maddox and the USS Turner Joy.

Where there is conflict, there is alway a build up of aggressive rhetoric and then a seemingly miniscule event that triggers war. This week, when five Iranian boats rushed toward three US Navy ships in the Homuz Canal, the markets shook because this is the way wars begin.

I have to say I am proud of the United States today that they stood down, didn't fire on the boats and have talked down this conflict over the course of the past 47 hours. But seeing oil prices jump up to $97 a barrel in panic speaks volumes to me. The money holders in this country are prepared for an armed conflict with Iran. The people need to be prepared as well. And if we go to war with Iran, we are going to war with the entire Middle East. This could almost be considered the modern day Cuban Missle crisis.

Thank God the American people are too preoccupied with trying to predict who the next president will be to notice. And perhaps, for once, we should be grateful for the troop surge in Iraq, because our military is equally preoccupied.

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