Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Postmodernism and Homosexuality, obviously my two favorite topics

This is young woman, a Cali girl like myself has some of the same interests as I do, obviously.
Elle Aurens, author of la petit mort, wrote an entry implying that the "queer movement" is inabled by, if not a direct result of the postmodern era.

Read more!

While I have to agree that the breakdown of traditional social distinctions and barriers has allowed for sexual express in unparalleled ways, and that these expressions are a rejection of binary gender constructs, I can't say that this is necessarily something to be afraid of.

Gays have existed and filled important roles throughout history. For one example, teachers have often been single women who, without the familial obligations that come with heterosexual constructs, have been able to devote themselves to the educating other peoples' children.

We are redefining the foundations of our society, but not abandoning them all together. Marriage has traditionally been a pillar of our society as it binds familes together and makes them units rather than individuals. By redefining marriage and its confines, we are actually building a new frame for social construct. This should be part of the intellectual argument in favor of same-sex marriage. Gay couples will not stop having relationships, in fact the manifestation of homosexuality will only increase with time. Society becoming more open to these behaviors. So, the effort to prevent marriage between same-sex couples will only serve to create increased individualism in society, putting more strain on the system. It is easier to care for, provide for and maintain a whole unit in its entirety than to service its individual components seperately.

In an era so focused on deconstruction, this is one construct that we should not let go of. Redefining marriage will releave stress on society, and allow for collective growth rather than division.

Unfortunately, I think that the foundations of this country in particular are so strongly influenced by conservative, Christian ideals, that same-sex marriage will be simply another fissure as it crumbles.

1 comment:

maxiwaxi said...

elle aurens isn't from Cali. She's from Canada