Thursday, December 21, 2006

How to have a green Christmas

I'm on a TIME Magazine kick.

TIME published a piece on how to make your Christmas more environmentally friendly. The report covers trees, lights, decorations, candles and even gifts. It makes suggestions like using LED lights, which consume less energy and using Pointsetia hemp to package your gifts. (Yes, you can actually buy pointsetia hemp.)

Of course it makes the traditional suggestions liek buying a potted tree that can be replanted. And, it also recoomended using pointsetia hemp to wrap gifts. (Yes, you can buy pointsetia hemp... on the internet - check out or, there was some unique, practical ideas in the article that can be of use, suchas using LED lighting to be more energy efficient or recycling plain brown paper bags from the grocery store with pretty bows to conserve gift wrap.

Read More!

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