Monday, December 18, 2006

NJ Supreme Court OKs Civil Unions

New Jersey passed a bill making civil unions legal in the state. According to the Inquirer, Legislators were not far from approving same-sex marriage.

"Many key lawmakers said they would have supported a gay-marriage bill, but they didn't think it had enough support in the Legislature. Civil unions, however, sailed through both houses - 56-19 in the Assembly and 23-12 in the Senate."

The law moves the state one step closer to legalizing marriage for same-sex couples. Activists say they will be back in the Legislature with proposals for a Marriage bill within two years.

Read More!

It is expected that residents from neighboring states Pennsylvania and New York will be taking advantage of the states new law, crossing the border to partake in the benefits that come with civil unions, including tax credits, property and estate rights, and powers of attorney.

Frankly, it should be interesting to see what the new law will do to the concentrations of gays and lesbians in neighboring states. Since the rights of civil unions are not recognized in Pennsylvania or New York, it is possible that the law will encourage migration. With the concentration of tax dollars pulled out of the LGBT community, this will certainly put pressure on other states to review their laws again.

It's a huge victory for the LGBT community.

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